Bashir Shaikh Memorial Trust

November 2013Archived News

BSMT honors Life Insurance Coverage Policy claims of Rs.10 Lac, at the SHCBA Annual Dinner

BSMT as part of its Advocates Cover® initiative disbursed Rs.10 Lac to each family of the deceased members of the legal fraternity as life insurance. Furthermore, BSMT also presented shields to honor the lawyers for their services rendered during the year 2012-13. The ceremony took place at the prestigious Sindh High Court Bar Association Annual Dinner.

With the successful implementation of its initiative of Advocates Cover® BSMT has come a long way in facilitating the legal community and will continue to look after their interests.

Video presentation highlighting the achievements of BSMT Mementos and shields presented to members of the legal fraternity 
for their invaluable services rendered The dignitaries rising to their feet in respect of the national anthem The audience paying their respects to the national anthem. A huge audience gathered to attend the SHCBA Annual Dinner Mr. Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh, Chairman BSMT, attending the SHCBA Annual 
Dinner with Mr. Viqas Atiq The Chief Guest, Mr. Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Chief Minister Sindh, addressing 
the audience President, Sindh High Court Bar Association receiving a memento from 
Chief Minister Sindh Justice Maqbool Baqar, Chief Justice Sindh High Court presenting a shield
to a member of legal fraternity Mr. Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh, Chairman BSMT, sharing a light moment with 
President of the Sindh High Court Bar Association The VIP dinner table with all the dignitaries