Bashir Shaikh Memorial Trust


As stated, Bashir Shaikh Memorial Trust seeks to assist the practicing advocates of Pakistan and this forum is designed to help you practice in a more efficient manner so that you may feel connected to the wider perspective of the profession. In this respect, this Q&A would help you to learn more about the initiative and would answer your queries may you have any.

Q How can I be a member of this community?
A To be a member, you need to follow a simple procedure as defined below:

You may fill our online Membership Registration Form by clicking here. You would be required to fill in your personal details and upload your recent photograph along with your clearance certificates from the bar association.

Your membership will be processed and you will be issued a membership card that will make you eligible for the benefits offered by the trust. You would be required to personally visit our office and collect the membership card.

Q Can I receive any kind of assistance in filling up the form?
A Yes, we are here to help you! In case you need assistance in filling the form, you may visit our office along with your photograph and clearance certificates and receive complete assistance in this regard.

Q How would I know that my membership has been accepted?
A Upon receiving your application, your form would be validated subsequent to which you would be issued a membership card. This membership card indicates your membership.

Q How long would my membership be valid?
A Your membership would be valid for 3 years.

Q How do I become eligible for the Life Insurance Coverage?
A As soon as you become a member of our legal fraternity, you're eligible for the Life Insurance Coverage policy. A total of 1000 members would be able to enjoy that benefit who would be selected through nominations and balloting.

Q Can I participate in giving feedback and suggestions even if I am not a practicing lawyer?
A Yes, you can. Everyone can fill in the suggestion form irrespective of their affiliations.